
Everendafter – No More Words

不管是rock n'roll , R&B, hippop, pop, blue, classic等
或許聽慣台灣的音樂, 會比較不能去習慣聽國外的歌曲
不過每個人都有不同的想法 對於耳朵該聽什麼 我相信大家都很厲害 🙂

但, 能夠觸動你的耳朵 摸到你的心得那幾首歌曲

在這裡介紹一個樂團, 叫Everendafter, 都是同一個字喔!
拆開來念是 ever end after
不過就連上google 都很難找到everendafter的資料
我只知道他們是一群年輕愛唱rock n'roll個團體

似乎類似地下樂團之類的 (馬上想到閃靈= =|||)
這首他們創作的 No More Words也是在看摔角時候, Jeff Hardy的出場主題曲
一聽就馬上抓到我對rock n' roll的感覺
我覺得一首rock n'roll的歌曲不僅鼓的節奏感要很強烈
吉他和bass的搭配 還有主唱的功力
這樣match的情況下 是很容易讓人上癮的!
anyway, 很想PO上來和大家分享
這首歌聽起來真的很爽!如果耳朵這幾天還算舒服的話, 不妨聽聽看這首會讓你站起來搖頭擺尾的No more Words憋,

coz this song f*n rocks!

[No More Words]

I got a sharp stick, I keep in my pocket
I speak volumes never utter a word
When you strike a match, a fire will happen
But the line between the smoke and the flames get blured

Don't you see the writing on the wall(Don't you see the writing on the wall)
You're in way over your head
You're gonna drown in the things that you said

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle
A door in your face and only i have the key
Do understand, you'll be caught in the middle
Caught in a web by being spun by me

Don't you see the writing on the wall (Don't you see the writing on the wall)
Just a victum of your own conceit
The architect of your own defeat

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Never walk away from a fight thats worth fighting
Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act
Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen
Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it…back

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
But words are cheap, but lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats i've heard before
And all your words are too big to take



1 thought on “Everendafter – No More Words

  1. ㄟ好長的舌頭@@<br />
    (想到牛舌餅了…….)<br />
    <br />
    這首歌其實沒有太重金屬耶,<br />
    版主回覆:(05/26/2008 03:35:41 AM)
    重金屬是heavy metal要唱歌都嘶吼的那種, 我說的是rock n' roll柳 笨笨~ :D~

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